engaging wisdom
The missing puzzle piece to your education
The Engaging Wisdom Portal is your on demand library of
courses that will help you meet your educational goals, and bring you closer to the answers you actually need.
Engaging Wisdom makes navigating...
Feeling isolated in the classroom when everyone else just seems to “get it”?
Are your students stuck in one lesson and you need to move on?
Google constantly failing you?
Spending hours trying to figure out JUST that one step of the formula?
Juggling kids/health/jobs/pets and not living the “average” student life?
Engaging Wisdom was created with YOU in mind!
Crafted from the lifelong education and experience of Dr. Elizabeth Anderson (Founder of Embraced Wisdom Resource Group, LLC), Engaging Wisdom supplements:
Dr. Elizabeth Anderson is your
“Professor Anderson is knowledgeable about her subject and shared her passion for research with all of us. She presented what can be a difficult and dry subject in a way that engaged her students.”
Graduate Student from University of DenverEngaging Wisdom allows you to pick and choose from any of our eight-10 week PhD level micro, mini or macro courses to individualize your education to your specific needs!
It's simple! Find the course you need extra help in and choose your level of support: Micro for journal prompts, Mini for quizzes plus journal prompts or Macro for engaging application activities, quizzes, and journal prompts! Your success, your choice!
Is this affordable? You bet! Individual courses (micro, mini or macro) start at $12.34- $102 per course for a month. While our all inclusive membership courses (micro, mini, macro) start at $28-$135 per membership for 3 months.